Highlands, Lago de Montebello, Lacandon Jungle and Palenque
Chiapas has enormous variety, with fascinating geology, natural wonders, ancient civilizations and thriving modern indigenous culture. The land is defined by five distinct regions, which are best described as long narrow bands of different altitudes that run somewhat parallel to the coast.
On this trip, we visit three of these areas. The Sierra Madre de Chiapas rises above the coastal planes, and on its the northern eastern slope lies the Rio Grijalva Valley, also called the Central Depression, home to the state capital and the famous natural wonder, Sumidero Canyon. The high, cool, central plateau (known as Los Altos), juts up northward and is home to pine-oak habitat and the cultural jewel of San Cristobal de la Casas. The eastern highlands and the lush Lacandon jungle, home to the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve and unbelievable diversity, slope down to the Usumacinta River Valley and the Yaxchilan and Palenque region.
Forty percent of Mexico’s animal species and over 10,000 plant species can be found in this rich state. Chiapas is also home to a large number of indigenous people, and the entire state is permeated with a strong pre-Hispanic heritage, which is reflected in the regional cuisine and rich crafts.
Dates scheduled
February 26 - March 9
February 28 - March 11 -
$4920 per person
$650 single supplement
El Triunfo
A backcountry hiking trip into pristine forest to see the Horned Guan
Deep in the southern Sierra de Chiapas exists some of the best examples of cloud forest habitat in Mexico. A large portion of this fantastic habitat has been protected by CONANP (Mexico's equivalent of the National Park Service) and all activities within this reserve are heavily monitored so as not to impact the natural surroundings. Fortunately for birders and naturalists, the reserve allows a very limited number of people to visit during certain times of the year.
The hike into El Triunfo is challenging but there are mules available, as needed. We spend 7 nights in the backcountry, birding every day and moving camp four times. The main camp of El Triunfo has showers, a kitchen and structures. The other camps are simple campsites. This is a supported backcountry trip, with a wonderful team of cooks, , mules with handlers to carry gear and great bird guides. The amount of hiking varies each day, so it is very helpful to be in good condition to enjoy the experience. It is also important to be comfortable camping in variable weather conditions. Having the privilege to visit this beautiful place is the opportunity of a lifetime. We can expect to see close to 400 species on this trip!
Dates scheduled
Black-headed Trogon
Golden-hooded Tanager
Navas Wren
Rufous-Browed Wren
Pink-headed Warbler
Giant Wren
A group shot t the giant fig tree at Yachitlan
Black Howler Monkey
Barred Antshrike
Great Potoo on a day roost
Green-breasted Mango
White-whiskered Puffbird
Long-billed Hermit
Belted Flycatcher
Highlands of Chiapas
Orange-breasted Bunting
Red-breasted Chat
Slender Sheartail
The trail to El Triunfo